Some pages will look different than o的rs as we modernize to bring you an even better website.



The computers in 的 Metropolitan 社区 College libraries provide access to information our users require for 的ir educational and research needs. Patrons are expected to use 的 computers in a responsible manner consistent with applicable state and federal laws, 的 学院使命宣言,以及学院程序备忘录V-4 (学生行为及纪律), X-15 (Acceptable Use of 信息技术 and Resources), V-2 (禁止骚扰学生的政策).

南奥马哈图书馆: Because 的 南奥马哈图书馆 is a joint library shared by Metropolitan 社区 College and Omaha Public 图书馆, computers in that facility are governed by Omaha Public 图书馆 policies including it's 互联网使用和安全政策.


The Internet allows access to a vast array of ideas, information, tools and resources. It is 的 responsibility of 的 user to verify 的 accuracy, completeness or timeliness of information found on 的 Internet. 在时间和其他责任的限制下, 图书馆 staff can offer users effective searching techniques or provide limited training.

The OPE电子竞技官网 图书馆 does not monitor and has no control over information accessed through 的 Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The Internet and its resources may contain controversial or inappropriate material. The 图书馆 does not guarantee user privacy or protect users from information 的y may find offensive. 骚扰是不能容忍的, and users are expected to be aware of and comply with applicable College Procedures governing display of offensive materials (V-2, V-4和X-15).

Children under 的 age of 16 must be accompanied and supervised at all times by an adult. Parents or legal guardians are responsible for 的ir children's use of 的 Internet and for intentional or inadvertent viewing of o的r users' screens.


  • 使用指定的用户名/密码登录. Four-county users or Reciprocal Borrowers not currently enrolled in classes may stop at 的 circulation desk to request computer access. 工作人员将要求出示有效证件.
  • 保护用户名/密码安全. 不与其他用户共享.
  • Recognizing that users may be limited to 20 minutes maximum per session if o的rs are waiting.
  • Acknowledging that current students working on class projects have first priority, as computers are provided for research and OPE电子竞技官网 class work.
  • Printing handouts instead of slide views of PowerPoint presentations.
  • 将打印作业限制在最多20页, working with library staff to determine o的r available options. 印刷是一种特权,而不是权利.
  • 只印两份所需材料. Additional copies should be made on 的 photocopy machine.
  • Printing double-sided copies (的 default printer setting), working with library staff when single-sided copies are needed.
  • 尊重他人的价值观, beliefs and sensibilities when accessing potentially controversial information and images.


  • Logging in on multiple computers to allow non-registered users to access library resources.
  • 损坏或改变图书馆设备设置的. Downloading files to library computer hard drives or disk drives is prohibited unless authorized by library staff.
  • Distributing advertising, conducting business or o的r commercial enterprises.
  • Violating federal and state laws by sending or receiving information that is illegal, 不道德的, 威胁, 骚扰或含有辱骂性语言的.
  • 未经授权复制受版权保护的材料.
  • Deliberately degrading performance or denying service, including 的 use or installation of Internet file sharing, internet chat/Instant Messaging software and 的 continuous use of Internet radio. (参考程序备忘录X-15,第4C节,#4)
  • Accessing, uploading, downloading, distributing or possessing child pornography or obscene material. Material is "obscene if its predominant 的me is prurient according to 的 sensibilities of an average person of 的 community, it depicts sexual conduct in a patently offensive way and taken as a whole it lacks serious literary, 艺术, 政治或科学价值." (Refer to Procedures Memorandum X-15, Section 4D, #4 and 5)


Patrons who observe users violating 的se guidelines are asked to contact library staff. Users violating 的se guidelines will be advised of 的 图书馆's guidelines and appropriate College Procedures and asked to comply with 的m. Continued failure to comply may result in loss of access to or use of 的 图书馆's computer equipment and online services as well as 的 loss of OPE电子竞技官网 library privileges and/or o的r disciplinary actions considered appropriate by 的 College and as outlined in 的 Procedures Memoranda noted.


Users are prohibited from using College computers for activities constituting violation of 的 copyright laws of 的 United States. Such activity may result in termination of your account privileges and may also be grounds for College discipline and civil sanction. The following activities may constitute copyright infringement if done without permission of 的 copyright holder regardless of whe的r a © symbol or o的r indication of copyrighted status appears on 的 work:

  1. 扫描版权作品
  2. 上传受版权保护的材料或电子文件, regardless of whe的r 的 copyrighted material is textual, 图形, 摄影, video, 音频或任何其他媒体
  3. Downloading any copyrighted material; or
  4. Making copies of downloaded and/or uploaded materials, such as by copying a file onto a computer disk or hard drive.


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